
BLE Beacon as a Contact History Recorder Social Distancing Solution for COVID-19

According to WHO, one of the worst characteristics of COVID-19, is the incubation period (also known as the pre-symptomatic period, is the time between exposure to the virus and symptom onset) is on average 5-days and can be up to 14 days.

This makes every confirmed case difficult to trace the origin of infection. And dramatic measures such as completely locking down the whole premises and test or isolation of people far more than necessary are done.   

Business runners, such as offices and factories are looking for ways to ensure safe social distance and also the solution of contact tracking.  Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) transponder can be of great help.

KEY Features

  • A lightweight battery-powered a beacon that automatically warns staff when they get too close (less than 2m), by light and by buzzer
  • Provide an anonymous ID for the staff or the wearer
  • Record up to 34000 records of the encountered ID (less than 2m), downloadable with gateway or smartphone app.
  • Provide traceability of contact history if a COVID-19 case the confirmed.


  • The proximity warning DOES NOT rely on any network or smartphone.
  • Continuous 6-month operation (light ON, buzzer off, non-stop), with an ON/OFF button to extend the battery life.
  • Replaceable CR2477 lithium coin

For more on product specification - BLE Tag Social Distancing Solution HKRAT-BLE-M52, Contact Sales@hk-rfid.com, 

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